Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Spinal Structure - Alex Floyd

Micro Studio Plan, Axon, Section Perspective, and plan view to show the spinal view of the form contrasted with the negative space. 
Large Studio Plan, Axon, Section Perspective, and plan view to show the spinal view of the form contrasted with the negative space. 

Two Bedroom Studio Plan, Axon, Section Perspective, and plan view to show the spinal view of the form contrasted with the negative space. 

1/2 Scale Chipboard model of Large Studio space. Two different types of chipboard material resemble the two main materials I would want within my real units.

1/2 Scale Chipboard model of Large Studio space.
Chair Design 1/5

Chair Design 2/5

Chair Design 3/5

Chair Design 4/5

Chair Design 5/5