Tuesday, March 14, 2017


Exercise 1: Embodied Furniture to the Human Scale
Making a body-scale piece of furniture.
Materials: Corrugated Cardboard
Glue & Tape

Drawings of modifications to accommodate:
-Storing, Sitting, Eating, Working, Reading, Sleeping, Writing, Meeting, Lounging, Relaxing.

Exercise 2: Building Around the Body
Creating a unit from the previous exercise, developing the idea of the modularity of the furniture. 
The concept to create this intimacy from ground floor to ceiling is something that I wanted to pursue. Where you do not necessarily need walls in order to create a room. 

Exercise 3: Mutating the Unit
Three different iterations of the unit to accommodate different kinds of users and families. 
Starting by designing one studio unit (around 400 sq ft.) I used this design to as the base to start aggregating it and transforming it to fit within other designs (Live/work & Loft). 

400 sq. ft.

Live/Work Unit:
800 sq. ft.

1600 sq. ft.

Exploration of Aggregation:
Each unit is then stacked up on top of each other where the one unit is layered top of the other digs into each others unit, working within the landscape of a unit.