Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Phase 3

For the first part of Phase 3 assignments we began with a charette to design and build a piece of furniture using only recycled cardboard. I started off wanting to create a moment of privacy out of the cardboard, which I consider to be such a very social material. It can be transferred, sent, passed between two people, used to package an item and then recycled and turned into something else.  So to subvert to the social nature of this material I sought to create the exact opposite of this sociability.

During the charette my ideas had to be adapted quickly to have a final product (or something close to final) by the end. My partner and I decided to scrap certain parts of the project and began working with a system of production that not only allowed us to create a uniquely shaped chair it allowed us to do it quickly. 

For the next phase I began to consider the construction and social implications of the furniture piece that we designed. I thought about how the idea of what we built could be morphed into a more permanent system of building. I first arrived at a kind of chair that would be both a seat and a work surface but would require someone to sit on the chair to make the work surface acessable. It was this idea of cooperation between two people that led me to the concept of the negotiation of space in general. 

When I began to adapt my unit, I though of how things could pushed or pulled in the space to allow for the mobility of a space based on each inhabitants indivdual needs. This could be done through adjustable work surfaces, expandable lounge seating or even mobile shelves. 

This idea, once more clearly systemized alowed for the expansion into larger units capable of housing 1-3 people per unit. 

Studio Unit

Two Bedroom

 Three Bedroom

Once I had the rough shape of each unit I was able to more clearly define the aggregation of the overall building that we will be proposing. Part of the concept that I want to address with my building is the reversion of  Delancey street into a destination and not just a passageway for traffic. Through the aggregation of my unit types I hope to create a more open and potentially green space to place along Delancey street.